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单 位:控制科学与工程系
职 称:副教授
通信地址: bw必威西汉姆联官网首页
邮 编:100083
社会职务:中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员, 《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology》、《IEEE Access》、《ISA Transactions》等学术期刊审稿人。
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2005.9~2009.6: bw西汉姆联中国官方入口,自动化专业,学士
2009.9~2016.1: bw西汉姆联中国官方入口,控制科学与工程,博士(硕博连读)
2012.9~2014.9: 瑞典隆德大学,自动控制系,联合培养博士
2016.1~2018.6: bw必威西汉姆联官网首页,教师博士后
[1] Yuling Li, Kun Liu, Wei He, Yixin Yin, Rolf Johansson, Kai Zhang (2019). Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple Robots under Scheduling Communication. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2923788
[2] Yuling Li, Yixin Yin, Sen Zhang, Jie Dong, & Rolf Johansson (2019). Composite Adaptive Control for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems without Persistency of Excitation. Journal of the Franklin Institute, doi: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2019.04.001
[3] Yuling Li, Kai Zhang, Kun Liu, Rolf Johansson, & Yixin Yin (2019). Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Control for Bilateral Teleoperation with Multiple Slaves under Round-Robin Scheduling Protocol. International Journal of Control, doi: 10.1080/00207179.2019.1652853
[4] Yuling Li, Chang Li, Jie Dong, Jing Li, Yixin Yin (2019). Composite adaptive control of teleoperators with joint flexibility, uncertain parameters, and time-delays. IEEE Access, 7,115673 - 115681
[5] Yuling Li, Yixin Yin, & Dezheng Zhang(2018). Adaptive Task-Space Synchronization Control of Bilateral Teleoperation Systems With Uncertain Parameters and Communication Delays. IEEE Access, 6, 5740-5748.
[6] Yuling Li, Yixin Yin, & Dezheng Zhang (2018). IMC-based Design for Teleoperation Systems with Time Delays. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 16(2), 887-895.
[7] Yuling Li, Rolf Johansson, Kun Liu, & Yixin Yin (2015). Guaranteed Cost Control Design for Delayed Teleoperation Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352(11), 5085-5105.
[8] Yuling Li, Rolf Johansson, & Yixin Yin (2015). Acceleration feedback control for nonlinear teleoperation systems with time delays. International Journal of Control, 88(3), 507-516.
[9] Yuling Li, Yixin Yin (2015), An LMI Approach to Guaranteed Cost Control Design for Teleoperation Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 501 (2015): 636451.
[10] Chang Li, Yuling Li*, Yixin Yin, Sen Zhang, Jie Dong (2019). Adaptive Control of Flexible Joint Manipulators with Parameter Convergence. In 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC),IEEE
[11] Jing Li, Yuling Li*, Yixin Yin, Kun Liu, Sen Zhang (2019). Adaptive Task-space Synchronization Control of SMMS teleoperation Systems with Round-Robin Protocol. In 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC),IEEE.
[12] Kai Zhang, Yuling Li, Yixin Yin, Sen Zhang, & Jie Dong (2018). Multiple-Neural-Networks-Based Adaptive Control for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with Time-Varying Delays. In 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC),IEEE, pp. 543-548.
2020.1-2022.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目(61903030),调度协议影响下的单主多从遥操作系统建模和控制,负责人
2016.4-2018.4 中央高校基本科研业务费(FRF-TP-16-024A1),基于加速度反馈的遥操作系统性能分析和控制器设计,负责人
2016 北京市优秀博士毕业生,北京市教育委员会
2015-2016 校长奖学金,bw西汉姆联中国官方入口
2015 学术之星,bw西汉姆联中国官方入口
2015 超越奖学金,bw西汉姆联中国官方入口
2014 国家奖学金,教育部
专利:尹怡欣,李玉玲,赵宝永. “由线性定常系统的阶跃响应获得其M序列输入响应的方法”,公告号CN 102354106A