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单 位:仪器科学与技术系
职 称:副教授
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路30号bw必威西汉姆联官网首页
邮 编:100083
社会职务:《IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》《Annals of Geophysics》《Journal of Geophysical Research – Computation and Machine Learning》《Remote Sensing》等期刊审稿人
- 教育背景
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- 代表性项目
2012.09-2016.06 武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院 工学学士
2016.09-2021.06 中国科学院 空天信息创新研究院 理学博士
2019.11-2020.11 苏黎世联邦理工学院 D-MTEC 联合培养博士(国家公派)
2021.09-2023.12 北京大学 地球与空间科学学院 地球物理系 博雅博士后
2024.01至今 bw西汉姆联中国官方入口 bw必威西汉姆联官网首页 仪器科学与技术系 特聘副教授
[1] Zhang Ying; Meng Qingyan; Guy Ouillon; Didier Sornette; Ma Weiyu; Zhang Linlin; Zhao Jing; Qi Yuan; Geng Fei. Spatially variable model for extracting TIR anomalies before earthquakes: Application to Chinese Mainland, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 267 (遥感领域Top)
[2] Ying Zhang; Mei Li; Qinghua Huang; Zhigang Shao; Jing Liu; Xueming Zhang; Weiyu Ma; Michel Parrot. Statistical correlation between DEMETER satellite electronic perturbations and global earthquakes with Mw≥4.8, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3265931 (遥感领域Top)
[3] Zhang Ying; Meng Qingyan; Didier Sornette. A new 3-D error diagram: an effective and better tool for finding TIR anomalies related to earthquakes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3293132 (遥感领域Top)
[4] Zhang Ying; Zhan Chengxiang; Huang Qinghua; Didier Sornette. Seismically Informed Reference Models Enhance AI-Based Earthquake Prediction Systems, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 10.1029/2023JB028037 (地球物理领域Top,Nature Index)
[5] Zhang Ying; Meng Qingyan; Guy Ouillon; Zhang Linlin; Hu Die; Ma Weiyu; Didier Sornette. Long-term statistical evidence for proving the correspondence between TIR anomalies and earthquakes is still absent, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2021, 230: 133-150
[6] Zhang Ying; Meng Qingyan. A statistical analysis of TIR anomalies extracted by RSTs in relation to an earthquake in the Sichuan area using MODIS LST data, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2019, 19: 535-549
[7] Zhang Ying; Meng Qingyan; Wang Zian; Lu Xian; Hu Die. Temperature Variations in Multiple Air Layers before the Mw 6.2 2014 Ludian Earthquake, Yunnan, China, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(884)
[8] Zhang Ying; Huang Qinghua. Seismicity changes before major earthquakes in Sichuan, China, revealed by a combination of RTL Algorithm and ETAS model, Seismological Research Letters, 2023, 94 (2A): 844–851
[9] Meng Qingyan; Zhang Ying*. Discovery of spatial-temporal causal interactions between thermal and methane anomalies associated with Wenchuan earthquake, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2021, 230: 247-261
[10] 张颖;孟庆岩;运用空间技术能预测地震吗,新华文摘,2022,2,126-127
(1) 基于NCEP气温数据的地震三维热异常机理及其地震预测研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,42201363,2023.01-2024.12
(2) 于NCEP气温数据的地震三维热异常机理及其精细提取研究,中国博士后科学基金会,第71批面上项目,2022M710192,2022.07-2023.06
(1) 川滇地区地震电磁异常时空特征及其与地震活动性关系研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U2239201,2023.01-2026.12
(2) 基于地壳形变场、温度场、流体耦合的地震监测技术研究-构造活动卫星热红外信息提取与地震异常精细识别技术研究,科技部国家重点研发计划,2019YFC1509202,2020.01-2023.01
(3) 基于红外遥感和电离层信息的地震监测预测技术研究,科技部重点专项项目,2016YFE0122200,2016.11-2018.10
(4) Global Earthquake Forecasting System,苏黎世联邦理工学院重点支持计划