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单 位:仪器科学与技术系
职 称:副教授
邮 编:100083
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[1] 1991年9月-1995年6月 武汉工业大学机电工程学院机械系,获学士学位
[2] 2000年9月-2003年3月 bw西汉姆联中国官方入口信息工程学院测控技术与仪器系,获硕士学位
[3] 2005年9月-2009年1月 bw西汉姆联中国官方入口信息工程学院测控技术与仪器系,获博士学位
[1] 1995年9月-2000年8月 石家庄钢铁股份有限公司 计控处 工程师
[2] 2003年4月-2005年8月 北京帮安迪控制工程技术有限公司 工程部 高级工程师
[3] 2009年6月-至今 bw必威西汉姆联官网首页 副教授
[1] Xianhao Wu a,1 , Rui Tao b,c,1 , Zhiyan Sun b,c,1 , Tianyao Zhang a , Xingyue Li a , Yuan Yuan a , Shaowen Zheng a , Can Cao d , Zhaohui Zhang a , Xiaoyan Zhao a,e,*,2 , Pei Yang b,c,*,2. "Ensemble learning prediction framework for EGFR amplification status of glioma based on terahertz spectral features." Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, Vol (316): 124351. (SCI)
[2] Xianhao Wu a,1 , Rui Tao b,c,1 , Tianyao Zhang a , Xing Liu d , Jiangfei Wang b , Zhaohui Zhang a , Xiaoyan Zhao a,2,*, Pei Yang b,c,2,* Biomedical applications of terahertz spectra in clinical and molecular pathology of human glioma [J], 2023,Vol (285) :121933.
[3] Sun, Zhiyan 1,3; Wu, Xianhao 2; Tao, Rui 1,3; Zhang, Tianyao 2,5; Liu, Xing 4; Wang, Jiangfei 1; Wan, Haibin 1; Zheng, Shaowen 2; Zhao, Xiaoyan2,6; Zhang, Zhaohui 2,5; Yang, Pei 1,3, Prediction of IDH mutation status of glioma based on terahertz spectral data. [J],Spectrochimica Acta- Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2023,Vol (295):122629.
[4] Xiaoyan Zhao#*, Jianwei Li, Ruiguang Chen et al,Design and Implementation of Environmental Monitoring System Based on Multi-Protocol Fusion Internet of Things[J],Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligent and Intelligent Informatics,2022,Vol 25(5). (EI)
[5] Xiaoyan Zhao#*, Wenjing Zhang, Tianyao Zhang, et al. Cross-View Gait Recognition Based on Dual-Stream Network[J]. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2021, 25(5): 671-678.
[6] Liang Jie, Zhao Xiaoyan*, Zhang Zhaohui. Speech Emotion Recognition of Teachers in Classroom Teaching[C]. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2020:5045-5050.
[7] Huimin, Zhang; Han, Zhang; Xiaoyan, Zhao#,Zhaohui, Zhang. Research on Arm Movement Aided Electronic System for Parkinson's Patients[C]. Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2019: 4980-4985.
[8] Han Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhao, Xiaotong Zhang, Tianyao Zhang, Can Cao, Yang Yu. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of atmospheric methanol using a continuous-wave terahertz spectrometer, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 16(10), 103001-1~5, 2018. (SCI)
[9] 赵小燕*,张寒,黄凯,王帅,曹丽梦,重金属生物吸附剂的太赫兹波谱特性分析,工程科学学报,2015,37(s2):54~58
[10] Zhang Han, Zhang Zhao-yui ,Zhao Xiao-yan*, Zhang Tian-yao, Yan Fang, Shen Jiang. Assignment of terahertz vibrational modes of L-glutamine using density functional theory within generalized-gradient approximation. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2015, 24(7): 073301-1-8.
[11] Zhao Xiaoyan*, Su Haixia, Zhang Zhaohui, Li Zhi, Zhang Han, Zhang Tianyao. Characterization of cocrystals formed by grinding amino acids through terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2014, 59(24): 2987-2993.
[12] Chen, Zhaohui,Zhao, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Zhaohui; Fan, Ziqing; Duan, Chen; Sang, Shangming; Zheng, Xiangyang; Qin, Lu. Software design and implementation of WSN access gateway based on ISA100.11a. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Problem-Solving.
[13] Zhao, Xiaoyan;Li, Zhi;Zhang, Zhaohui;Zhang, Tianyao;Zhang, Han. Quantitative analysis of multi-component amino acids based on THz absorption spectra by genetic algorithm. ISUPTW 2014, C2_S3.
[14] Su Hai-xia;Zhang Zhao-hui;Zhao Xiao-yan;Li Zhi;Yan Fang;Zhang Han. The Lambert-Beer' s Law Characterization of Formal Analysis in Terahertz Spectrum Quantitative Testing. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 2013(12): ):3180-3186.
[15] 赵小燕*, 张朝晖, 蓝金辉. 基于二叉树型分层BP模型的板形模式识别(Flatness pattern recognition based on a binary tree hierarchical BP model).bw西汉姆联中国官方入口学报,2009.31(2):261-265.
[1] 精密阀控算法,2023.04-2024.03,主持。
[2] 科技部国家重点研发计划:穿戴式冰雪运动装备运动效能关键参数测试技术及设备研发,2019.10 -2023.12,参与。
[3] 科技部国家重点研发计划:异构端设备多协议无缝接入与不确定性数据融合,2019.12 -2022.11,参与。
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目:太赫兹波在固态有机物中的散射特性分析及建模, 2014.01-2016.12,主持。
[5] 基于云端接入的网络摄像机嵌入式软件技术开发,2015.07-2016.07,主持。
[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费:物质成分的太赫兹波谱检测及成像,2012.01-2014.12,主持。
[7] 工业无线网络设备配套软件设计开发,2012.10-2013.8,主持。
[8] 国家自然科学基金项目:非线性极化和范德华力对太赫兹吸收谱的影响及电介质样品定量分析算法的修正,2010.01-2012.12,参与。
[1] 一种具有多场景边缘计算及异构节点交互功能的物联网智能网关架构及实现方法,ZL 202210383399.0,发明专利,授权。
[2] 一种冰球手套灵巧性及活动范围测试装置,ZL 202123382841.8,实用新型,授权。
[3] 一种基于涡流效应的高温物流凹陷码检测系统, ZL 202111387321.8,发明专利,授权。
[4] 一种基于深度视觉的可穿戴导盲设备及服务器, ZL 202010529261.8,发明专利,授权。
[5] 一种太赫兹实验环境的智能监测系统及监测方法, ZL201510007200.4,发明专利,授权。