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新加坡国立大学Chen-Khong Tham 教授应邀来Betway必威做学术报告
2016年3月31日上午,新加坡国立大学Chen-Khong Tham教授应Betway必威肖文栋教授的邀请,来到bw必威西汉姆联官网首页机电楼1104会议室举办关于无线网络微云辅助处理技术的学术报告。bw必威西汉姆联官网首页部分老师和研究生参加了学术报告。
无线网络微云辅助处理技术是一种比较先进的技术,移动云计算可以通过负载处理存储在附近的云或设备的丰富的计算和存储资源,并且克服移动设备的局限性。这种技术通常被称为微云或Ad Hoc移动云计算。Chen-Khong Tham 教授介绍到,这些方法可以减少移动设备电池的使用,而且可以让移动设备更快地执行和响应计算密集型任务。
Chen-Khong Tham 教授提出,由于移动云计算所产生的不确定性存在一些挑战性的问题,这种不确定性来自用户设备和云以及其他在附近的主机设备之间的无线连接的可用性和连接质量,以及潜在的主机设备的计算或存储资源的可用性。围绕计算的性能和效率,Chen-Khong Tham 教授在资源管理方面提出一些新的做法,并且给出了一份关于节点以互惠互利的方式合作的解决方案,从而来应对微云生态系统的不确定性。
Chen-Khong (CK) Tham is an associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research focuses on sensor network infrastructures and real-time sensor data analytics involving cyber-physical systems, wireless networking, mobile cloud computing and participatory sensing. He obtained his Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in Electrical and Information Sciences Engineering from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. From 2007-10, he was on secondment at the A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) Singapore and headed the Networking Protocols department and the Services research programme. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J) and the International Journal of Network Management, and was the general chair of the IEEE SECON 2014, IEEE AINA 2011 and IEEE APSCC 2009 conferences. He is a member of the iDA Singapore Technical Standards Advisory Committee (TSAC).