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2017年6月20日下午,Betway必威优秀校友美国圣母大学林海教授,应Betway必威贺威教授的邀请,来到bw必威西汉姆联官网首页,在机电信息楼1104会议室,做了题为“Towards Scalable Formal Design of Large-Scale Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems”的学术报告。Betway必威党委书记李擎教授、肖文栋教授,北京航空航天大学刘金琨教授、北京信息科技大学李庆奎教授等出席会议,本校及北航部分博士生及硕士生一同聆听了此次学术报告。
Hai Lin is currently an associate professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, where he got his Ph.D. in 2005. Before returning to his alma mater, Hai has been working as an assistant professor in the National University of Singapore from 2006 to 2011. Dr. Lin's teaching and research interests are in the multidisciplinary study of the problems at the intersections of control, communication, computation, machine learning and computational verification. His current research thrust is on cyber-physical systems, multi-robot cooperative tasking, and human-machine collaboration. Hai has been served in several committees and editorial board, including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. He is currently serving as the Chair for the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Discrete Event Systems. He served as the Program Chair for IEEE ICCA 2011, IEEE CIS 2011 and the Chair for IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Singapore Chapter for 2009 and 2010. He is a senior member of IEEE and a recipient of 2013 NSF CAREER award.