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bw必威西汉姆联官网首页名家讲坛第十六讲暨韩国建国大学Hoon Cheol Park教授报告会成功举办
8月27日下午,应bw必威西汉姆联官网首页贺威教授的邀请,国际智能无人系统协会(ISIUS)主席、韩国建国大学Hoon Cheol Park教授在机电信息楼518会议室作了题为“KUBeetle - Insect-Like Tailless Flapping-Wing Robot: design to flight”的学术报告。报告会由bw必威西汉姆联官网首页付强老师主持,贺威教授、孙亮副教授、张浩杰副教授以及学院多名老师和20余名博士研究生及硕士研究生参加了本次学术讲座。
报告会中,Hoon Cheol Park教授分享了自身在开发生物启发昆虫式扑翼飞行机器人方面的相关经验和成果。首先,Hoon Cheol Park教授介绍了他们团队自主研发的一款模仿犀牛甲虫扑翼动作的小型扑翼机器人——KUBeetle,具体包括其具体物理参数,材料选型、版本迭代等。接着,Hoon Cheol Park教授针对昆虫与鸟类飞行方式的差异,提出了一种新的拍打机制,使得扑翼机两翼可以实现以超过180度的扑动角度进行扑动;又针对昆虫尾部无控制面的这一问题,提出了几种可行的机构,包括拍打角度改变机构,后缘改变机构和行程平面改变机构,实现左右两翼的差动控制,从而产生姿态控制的控制力矩。最后,Hoon Cheol Park教授对扑翼飞行机器人未来的发展前景进行了展望。
在提问环节中,bw必威西汉姆联官网首页的老师同学们积极踊跃地进行提问,Hoon Cheol Park教授逐一进行解答,并针对同学们提出的关于扑翼飞行机器人的实际问题,进行了详细的阐述。在此次讲座中,Hoon Cheol Park教授与bw必威西汉姆联官网首页的老师同学们亲切地进行学术上的交流,他以严谨认真的态度和诙谐幽默的语言赢得了在场老师同学们的热烈掌声,并引用了自己的研究成果和实际经历给大家以启示,使bw必威西汉姆联官网首页的老师同学们进一步开阔了学术视野。
Hoon Cheol Park教授简介
Dr. Hoon Cheol Park is currently professor at Department of Smart Vehicle Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. His recent research mainly focuses on biomimetics and bio-inspired flight. His research team published about 95 SCI/SCIE journal papers on design and demonstration of bird/insect-mimicking flying robots, locust-mimicking jumping plus flight robot, and fish-mimicking swimming. He also published about 20 papers on artificial muscle actuators such as piezoelectric bending actuators, single-crystal stack actuators, and ionic polymer-metal composites(IPMC). He has been the editorial board member of Journal of Bionic Engineering since 2007 and the associate editor of International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems since 2013. He also served Korea Society of Mechanical Engineers, Division of Bioengineering as president in 2015 and as vice president for several years. As an international activity, he is currently leading International Society of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ISIUS) as president (2017-2019). His research team was recognized as the most active team in biomimetic flying robot research through review papers published in International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles in 2015 and 2017.