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Recruitment of School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing for
domestic and overseas talents including High-level Talents, Excellent Young Faculty and Postdoctoral Researchers
Since the 1950s, a group of Industrial Electrification & Automation was formed which was the predecessor of the school. Representative members of the group include Yikang Sun, Xuyan Tu, Datai Yu, Diqian Shu, Hongcai Liu, Shaochun Wang, etc. They focused on metallurgical processes, and have made excellent achievements in research & education. Then it gradually expanded to the research fields of knowledge automation for industrial process, intelligent robot, advanced detection technology, artificial intelligence, intelligent perception, information processing, etc. At present, the school has two first-level doctoral degree disciplines, namely Control Science and Engineering and Instrument Science and Technology. Control Science and Engineering was awarded B+ in the fourth round of national discipline assessment. Instrument Science and Technology ranked 20th in the Best Chinese Subjects Ranking conducted by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy in 2020. In addition, Artificial Intelligence Science and Engineering was selected into Beijing Top Discipline.
The school has a rigorous academic faculty, including four awardee of the Ten Thousand Talent Program, one awardee of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, three Outstanding Teachers of Beijing, two awardee of the Baosteel Excellent Teacher Awards, one fellow of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, and two awardees of New Century Excellent Talents in University.
学科/机构 | 学科专业要求 |
人工智能 | 人工智能、大数据分析、机器人工程、计算机科学与技术、控制科学与工程 |
模式识别与智能系统 | 控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、人工智能、机器人工程 |
控制理论与控制工程 | 控制科学与工程、电气工程、人工智能、机器人工程 |
仪器科学与技术 | 仪器科学与技术、光学工程、物理学、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程、信息与通信工程、计算机科学与技术、遥感科学与技术、兵器科学与技术、航空宇航科学与技术 |
工业过程知识自动化教育部重点实验室 | 控制科学与工程、机器人工程、电磁场与微波、机器视觉、遥感科学与技术、人工智能 |
北京市工业波谱成像工程技术研究中心 | 仪器科学与技术、光学工程、物理学、电子科学与技术、控制科学与工程、信息与通信工程、机器人、电磁场与微波、大数据分析 |
Position Requirements
Discipline/Institute | Professional Requirements |
Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence, |
Big Data Analytics, | |
Robotics Engineering, | |
Computer Science and Technology, | |
Electronics Engineering | |
Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System | Electronics Engineering, |
Computer Science and Technology, | |
Artificial Intelligence, | |
Robotics Engineering | |
Control Theory and Control Engineering | Electronics Engineering, |
Electrical Engineering, | |
Artificial Intelligence, | |
Robotics Engineering | |
Instrument Science and Technology(Measurement Technology and Automation Devices) | Instrumentation Technologies, |
Laser and Optical Technologies, | |
Physics, | |
Electronics Science and Technology, | |
Electronics Engineering, | |
Communication Technologies, | |
Computer Science and Technology, | |
Remote Sensing Science and Technology, | |
Armament Science and Technology, | |
Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology | |
Key Laboratory of Knowledge Automation for Industrial Processes of Ministry of Education | Electronics Engineering, |
Robotics Engineering, | |
Electromagnetic Field and Microwave, | |
Machine Vision, | |
Remote Sensing Science and Technology, | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Beijing Engineering Research Center of Industrial Spectrum Imaging | Instrumentation Technologies, |
Laser and Optical Technologies, | |
Physics, | |
Electronic Science and Technology, | |
Electronics Engineering, | |
Communication Technologies, | |
Robotics Technologies, | |
Remote Sensing Science and Technology, | |
Big Data Analytics |
1. Eminent scientists and/or engineers
★ Supporting policies:
a. USTB provides a salary of more than 800,000 RMB (before tax) per year. The applicants will be paid the regular teaching and research subsidies, bonus, and allowances as well.
b. Housing allowance can be negotiated specifically.
c. USTB provides 5-10 million RMB start-up fund.
d. Qualifications: The applicants are required to be professors or scholars who are in equivalent capability at international and domestic prominent universities or scientific institutions. Besides, the applicants are required to be less than 55 years old generally, and to have more than 9 months working in full-time in China.
1. 学校提供税前薪酬人民币65万元/年以上,正常享受教学科研津贴、各类奖励和二级单位津贴,上不封顶。
2. 学校提供住房补贴人民币200-300万元。
3. 学校提供科研启动经费人民币300-600万元。
4. 应聘条件:在海内外知名高校、研究机构担任教授或相当职务的专家、学者(海外可放宽至副教授或相当职务),年龄一般不超过45岁,在国内工作时间符合全职到岗9个月的要求。
2. Leading academics
★ Supporting policies:
a. USTB provides a salary of more than 650,000 RMB (before tax) per year. The applicants will be paid the regular teaching and research subsidies, bonus, and allowances as well.
b. USTB provides 2-3 million RMB housing allowance.
c. USTB provides 3-6 million RMB start-up fund.
d. Qualifications: The applicants are required to be professors or scholars who are in equivalent capability at international and domestic prominent universities or scientific institutions, where, some oversea excellent talents can be associate professor. Besides, the applicants are required to be less than 45 years old generally, and to have more than 9 months working in full-time in China.
1. 学校提供税前薪酬人民币40万元/年以上,正常享受教学科研津贴、各类奖励和二级单位津贴,上不封顶。
2. 学校提供最高人民币100万元住房补贴。
3. 学校提供科研启动经费人民币150万元。
4. 应聘条件:具备相当学术水平和发展潜力,具备教授的学术水平;或是在海外知名高校、研究机构取得博士学位并从事两年以上研究工作,担任助理教授职务或入选新世纪海外优秀人才计划。年龄一般不超过40岁。
3. Young top-notch talents
★Supporting policies:
a. USTB provides a salary of more than 400,000 RMB (before tax) per year. The applicants will be paid the regular teaching and research subsidies, bonus, and allowances as well.
b. USTB provides 1 million RMB housing allowance.
c. USTB provides 1.5 million RMB start-up fund.
d. Qualifications: The applicants are required to have excellent academic talent and academic potential, and be capability of a professor. The applicants can also be assistant professors or New Century Overseas Excellent Talents, who are granted doctoral degrees from prominent international and domestic universities or scientific institutions and have been engaged for more than two years of research. Besides, the applicants are required to be less than 45 years old generally.
1. 对于取得海内外同行专家公认的突出业绩、学术水平在本学科同类人员具有明显优势、有较大发展潜力的青年人才,可直接聘任为特聘教授或特聘副教授,享受教授、副教授相应薪酬待遇。特别优秀者可入选“北科青年学者”,额外享受人才津贴人民币8万元/年。
2. 对于特聘教授学校提供科研启动经费不少于人民币50万元,特聘副教授学校提供科研启动经费不少于人民币30万元。
3. 应聘条件:在海内外知名高校、研究机构取得博士学位,业绩突出的青年人才,年龄一般不超过35岁。
4. USTB-recognized titles, distinguished professors and distinguished associate professors
★ Supporting policies:
a. For the young talents who have outstanding achievements and high academic potential in their corresponding disciplines, USTB will appoint them as distinguished professors, distinguished associate professors respectively. Note that they have equal welfare benefits with professors or associate professors, and the more excellent talents of them can be selected as “USTB Young Scholar”, with extra subsidies of 80,000 RMB per year.
b. USTB provides more than 500,000 RMB start-up funds for distinguished professors; and provides more than 300,000 RMB start-up funds for distinguished associate professors.
c. Qualifications: The applicants are required to be outstanding young talents who are granted doctoral degrees from international and domestic prominent universities or scientific institutions, and is less than 35 years old generally.
5. Postdoctoral researchers
★ Supporting policies:
Positions available: refer to USTB Postdoctoral Research Positions available
Funds and Programs: refer to Postdoctoral Funds and Programs Declaration List
1. 外籍教师可申请学校各类教师岗位,纳入学校整体教师队伍管理,享受校内同类人员薪酬。
2. 担任海外高水平大学和科研机构副教授及以上职位或其他相应职位的外籍教师可申请访问教授岗位(专兼职均可)。
6. International faculty
a. Foreign teachers meeting the qualification of the USTB Recruitment can apply for the listed positions and will be contracted as USTB staff, with the same salary, subsidies and bonus as their counterpart USTB teaching staff.
b. Foreign teachers who are associate professors or professors at oversea prominent universities or scientific institutions can apply for the position of visiting professors including full-time or part-time professors.
The enrollment of all afore-mentioned person in the local Social Insurance Program will be processed in accordance with relevant national policies and standard practices. Those having children and meeting certain requirements will have their children enrolled in an affiliated kindergarten or school. Those with necessary qualifications can join in the integrated innovative research institute — USTB’s talents tank. What is left unmentioned in this notice can be discussed in interviews.
1. Applicants should submit their materials to the recruitment email address released by the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering. The applications should contain the following items:
a. CV, including personal information, education and work experiences, publications (the impact factors and CAS JCR partitions indicated), research projects, patents and awards, etc. within recent five year.
b. Attachments, including ID-card/passport, educational qualifications and degree certificates, employment certificate, research projects certificates, first pages of thesis, award certificate, as well as patent certificates, etc.
2. Select the applicants according to the positions available and their qualifications.
3. Complete the preliminary interview, trial lecture, and comprehensive observation following the procedure.
4. Submit the materials of the candidates to the USTB and make final decisions according to regulations and procedures of the USTB.
1. The applicants should uphold the lines, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, love the socialist higher education. The applicants are required to have strong sense of responsibility, professionalism and dedication as well.
2. The applicants are required to have Ph.D degree and they can be doctoral graduates, postdoctoral fellows, overseas returnees or personnel transferred to the USTB. Note that the applicants are less than 35 years old generally, where, the age requirement can be adjusted for the applicants with senior professional technique post.
3. The candidates without postdoctoral experience should carry out research in the USTB Center for Postdoctoral Studies.
联系人:bw必威西汉姆联官网首页办公室 孟老师 王老师
Contact Information
Ms. Wang and Ms. Chen, Office of the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering
Tel: +86-010-62332905, +86-010-62332805
E-mail Address: saee@ustb.edu.cn
Mailing Address: The School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, 30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 P. R.China.
Zip code: 100083